Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lend this Book Blogger Clarity and Reason (The Blood & Light Vampires #4) by Rue Volley on

Clarity and Reason (Blood and Light Vampire Series)As a book blogger read and review books and must continually immerse myself in books and going through all types of blogs. In the past came across a book tour of Rue Volley to promote her books in a six-book series that have grown to realize these books are amazing! Right now have read all three except the latest Clarity and Reason and wondering if anyone would be so kind as to perhaps if they had it available to lend because you bought it? Would be extremely grateful! Have been spending money in books a lot lately and don't have any at this time for it.

Just want to read and review it already. The book having left me wanting more.
If you have an account on then please do lend it to me.

Of course, have some books myself you could check out. I'll definitely lend them to you on Kindle. And if you have Clarity and Reason (The Blood & Light Vampires #4) by Rue Volley do help me. 

These are some of the books that have up on my BookLending Page
Angelkiller (The Angelkiller Triad)The Vampire's Warden, a Paranormal Romance (Undead in Brown County #1)
Oil and Water (Blood and Light Vampire Series)
Oil & Water (The Blood & Light Vampires #3) by Rue Volley
Crown of Vengeance (Fires in Eden)The Brotherhood of Dwarves

My name: Cassandra H.

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